Thursday, June 9, 2016


Good afternoon!

The school year has finally ended, our son has graduated from high school and our daughter is moving on to the next grade.

As we were busy preparing for Cristopher's graduation, I couldn't help but feel a little blue.  It seems like he was a baby for what seemed like forever and then BAM!  He was in and out of high school in a blink.  His class song was "Don't Blink" true!  It's like one minute you are in the thick of chasing your little ones around, trying to keep up with them to hoping and praying that they make good decisions and waiting for them to get home.  I find myself counting down the minutes until my kiddos are home with us.

I know that soon they will move out and forward with their lives, but I just want to hold on to them for just a minute longer.

What a little peanut my Cristopher was, he was so attached to me.

Goodness! Isn't he just handsome?  

Our Celine is growing growing growing..she is such a sweet angel, always ready to give one of her famous hugs.  This was taken a few years ago..she is now a full grown beautiful teenager.  

All dolled up and ready to take on the world!

 Our latest family photo, seeing our kiddos taller than us is unbelievable.  I am so proud of them, they are delightful and such a blessing.  We are such a close family that I know I must let them go but some days are just rough.

 OH those years in Boy Scouts..over 10 years of events came to an end almost 2 years ago..