Sunday, November 30, 2014


Top of the morning friends!

I woke up early this morning determined to get a head start on my super duper looong "To Do" list.  While I was waiting patiently for my favorite coffee to brew, I took a peak out the window and WHAM!  I had made it just in time to watch the Sun Rise. 

What a view!  I love the peace and quiet of the early morning.  Everyone in my family can sleep in except for me..I am an early bird.  I can't help it!  I can't wait to get the day started.  While I was watching the sun rise and shine I took a few minutes to again..clear my mind..relax...The entire sunrise lasted 11 minutes.  Who knew!  I am so grateful that I was able to catch the magnificent view on camera but most importantly to just be able to soak it all in.  It's not every day that I take a moment just for myself especially during the busy holiday season. 

My wish for all of you on this fine morning is that you take a moment to just Breathe..take a few minutes to soak in your surroundings.  All my love and warmest wishes ~LeeAnn

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