Welcome to another year and almost a New Month. The beginning of this year has brought forth change and lots of it!
I must admit, closing down my store front hit me like a ton of bricks. While I tried to remain positive on the outside, inside I was feeling a bit down and unsettled. The job and career that I had loved the most had suddenly ended. In the end I know it was the right decision but change is HARD. I like having a routine. I can honestly say that the last six months have challenged me, it has been a time of uncertainty and at times sadness. For the longest of time, I couldn't talk about it, talking meant that I had to put my feelings into words and that was just painful. Missing my customers has been heart breaking, they filled my life with joy and friendship like no other.
After much consideration I realized that while I had closed down the store that doesn't mean that I can not continue to do what I love. Creating is much more than product, it is an outlet for my thoughts and gives me such peace. Sharing what I enjoy also brings me such happiness.
Having something to focus on besides work and family has proven time and time again to be what works for me. With all of that in mind, I decided to take the plunge and start filming soapy/product videos. This has been on my "Bucket List" for quite some time. However thinking, doing and sharing are three totally different things. Getting over my self consciousness was and still is difficult. You would think that after 40+ years in my own skin, I would feel confident and more self assured. I tell ya, this is hard. Why is that we can pick out all of our imperfections but try so hard not to do that to others?
My first soapy video was the Dunkin Suds Soap Set. I tell ya, I recorded FIVE videos, each time I found fault and was so harsh in my critique of myself. Isn't that crazy? I finally decided that it was as good as it was going to get. I released the video on my FaceBook page, what an overwhelming of love and support. I am so grateful to my friends and family for being so considerate and caring.
After the positive response to the 1st video, the next week I filmed another one. White Chocolate Raspberry Sugar Scrub. This one lasted a bit longer than I had anticipated but it was so much fun. Once I got over the initial self doubt I was ok.
I still have a few of these super yummy scrubs left. As always they can be found online or in person. :-)
With the New Year here and gone, I along with some folks have jumped on the exercise band wagon. For a few days, I was so sore. So glad that has passed along with my need to do "wall sits" who came up with those? Painful is the only word that I can use to describe them.
Being that I was so sore, I decided to whip up a batch of my Muscle Rescue Bath Fizzies. These are no ordinary bath fizzies. They are fully loaded, Hemp Seed Butter, Apricot Kernel Oil, Rhassoul Clay, dried flowers and herbs and of course the Muscle Rescue fragrance/essential oil blend...awww totally relaxing and so beneficial.
I am slowly uploading the videos to my YouTube Channel, but for now they can be viewed here on my Facebook page.
Click here
If you would like to purchase any of my bath goodies, here is the direct link:
Until next time, have a soapy fun filled day!