Tuesday, November 22, 2016

New Holiday Products

Greeting my friends!

Hope that you are all doing well.  The holidays are just right around the corner!  Can you all believe that Thanksgiving is this week?  Like in 2 days???  EEEKKKK!  I am about as ready as I will be but boy was I cutting it close.

I am so excited to share my lastest creations with all of you.  Soaping..it really is so much fun and addictive too!

These Chocholicious Cowboy Boot soaps were made for walking...walking right into your bathroom that is.  *grin*  Every gal has a pair boots that they just love, I am no exception.  I have  a favorite pair that I would wear with everything if I could...if I am being completely honest I LoVe Shoes!  Shoes shoes shoes ....how many of you can relate?

And of course we have them in PINK!  Now what fragrance to add? Cherry anyone?  How about Cherry Mist?  This fragrance will knock your socks off!  It is a true mouth watering black cherry.  Isn't it neat how fragrances can inspire us?  

 I received this mold a few years ago and wouldn't you know..I had completely forgotten about it?  As I was pulling all of the holiday molds out of the box, I stumbled up this one..I just knew that I had to squeeze them in too.
 As I was pouring soaps, I had an idea to make Reindeer Nose Soaps.  I had to add a few Rudolph noses in each pack, do you remember watching the old holiday movies?  Rudolph is my personal favorite.

 Then it was on to the Peppermint Bark.  Traditionally the bark has a thinner layer of minty goodness but I felt like the candy canes needed to have a fulller bed to sit on.  Imagine a layer of chocolate mint followed by the sweet peppermint candy toppled with more mint? Now what's not to like?

After all of the soaping was done, I moved on to Spa Kits.  My Pamper My Tootsies Spa Kits are fantastic!  Tired achy feet?  No problem, my newest Spa Kit will have you feeling better quickly.  Sprinkle Bubbling Eucalyptus Foot Soak in hot water, sit back and relax.  After the water has cooled, re-fill foot tub then add a quarter size amount of the Cool Menthol Foot Scrub to puff, rub across feet, in between toes and across the top of the foot.  Rinse with warm water...Tada!  Your feet should feel nice and pampered.  No need to follow up with lotion as the oils will nourish dry flaky feet.  

As always all of my products can be found here.  Until next time,hugs and warmest of wishes!

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Creating Making and Keeping Up

Top of the afternoon to you all!  How's it going in your neck of the woods?  Getting ready for the winter months?  Holidays?  I am doing both!

I have been super duper busy in the Craft Studio whipping up product.  It has been so much fun!  I made a list and am working like a bee mixing, pouring, fragrancing..is that a word?  Hmm....I think it is not but in "LeeAnn Land" it sure is.  *grin*

The first product that I worked on last weekend was Frosted Cranberry European Spa Bath Salts. Some of you may be asking what makes my bath salts to special?  

I have tried a few bath salts in my time, none of them have compared to mine.  I use a special blend of European Spa Salts- Solar evaporated and harvested from the pristine waters of the Mediterranean Sea. Produced using solar evaporation in a region that is free of pollution and has high evaporation rates. Thought to be the purest salts in the world. All Natural.

Another helping of Bath Water Crystals-This high mineral sea salt increases the quality of my bath salt recipe. Natural sea water and an advanced filtration system makes these salts uniform, white and clean.

A dash of Baking Soda- (Sodium bicarbonate)-Baking soda has mild exfoliant properties due to the round shape of the particles, and when mixed with water and scrubbed gently into the skin with a sponge it can remove dead skin cells.

A hefty sprinkle of Epsom Salt-Epsom salt has beneficial properties that can soothe the body, mind and soul. Some of the countless health benefits include relaxing the nervous system, curing skin problems, soothing back pain and aching limbs, easing muscle strain, healing cuts, treating cold and congestion, and drawing toxins from the body.

Last but certainly not least, I add a nice splash of fragrance/essential Oils and mica colorant for that extra colorful touch!

After a few days of mixing and air drying, they are ready for packaging. 

While the salts were setting up, it was on to Bubble Bath and Lotion..yes!  I have two upright mixers, I normally do not have them both on at the same time, but on this particular day I was busy as a bee.  

Then it was on to the Holiday inspired Frosted Cranberry Goats Milk Soap.  Layer upon layer was hand mixed and poured.  I love love love the end results!  Pretty yet totally functional and oh so delicious smelling.  

The Goats Milk & Honey Lotion and Bubble Bath Gift Sets are ready!  They will be arriving online in the very near future, what a delightful gift set to give and receive. 

Back by popular demand are my Sinus Bath Fizzies, Oh my gosh!  Folks just love love love them!  I do too!  They clear out the sinuses while providing a relaxing bath.  Isn't soaking in the bathtub so decadent?  I find it so relaxing and soothing.  Whenever I feel really tired and achy that is the first thing that I do, fill up the tub with the hottest water that I can stand, add one of my bath fizzies and viola!  The world just feels like a better place.  *grin*.  Until next time...hugs!