Thursday, December 1, 2016

Temperature Afghan

Good afternoon Folks!

This week has been all about the Temperature..remember back in October when the Temparature Afghan started?  You can read all about it here.  I was 13 days behind!!!  EEEKKK!  I worked like a bee yesterday and crochet like the wind....I saw on FB this morning that my Zodiac Signs means AIR is that the same thing as WIND?  hmmm??? I sure felt like the wind was guiding my hook, what fun it is to work on a project.

I have been jotting down the daily temperatures, both the high and low.  I was so excited to see a new color change.  This last week we dropped down to the Negatives...Negative 1 and 2...brrr... The color assigned for this range is LavenderBlue.  Can I just say, I absolutely LoVe this color!  So pretty and delicate.  It does remind me of the cold too, blue for sun but then you get a hue of the purple..  How many nights will be in the negatives?  How exciting to celebreate each day with a hexagon.

Here is the Temperature Color Chat and Kit info, it's never too late to start.  You can start anytime, perhaps on January first?

Shall we have a looksie?  oh Hexagon's...aren't they lovely?  Can you see how the weather has changed in just two months time? Do you see the ONE Pumpkin Hexi?  That was for a particularly warm day. :-)  

Looking at the afghan sideways...oh what yummy colors!  We are 62 days in, I am officially caught up!  And I added today's hexi's after I took photo's as I wanted to show two months of work exactly.

 I believe that in everything we do a lesson can be learned.  Here is what I have learned so far:

*  Do not procrastinate
*  Patience-this is a progressive project
*  Colorado weather is intense and Colorful too!
*  I look forward to each day's temperature, isn't it funny how we can get so caught up in life that we forget the small things?
*  Caron Yarn is really delicious to work with.
*  Having friends participate in this Crochet A Long makes this project more fun!

What brings you joy?  I hope that you take time each day to do something awesome that you love.  Until next time, hugs and warmest of wishes!

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