Thursday, December 1, 2016

Temperature Afghan

Good afternoon Folks!

This week has been all about the Temperature..remember back in October when the Temparature Afghan started?  You can read all about it here.  I was 13 days behind!!!  EEEKKK!  I worked like a bee yesterday and crochet like the wind....I saw on FB this morning that my Zodiac Signs means AIR is that the same thing as WIND?  hmmm??? I sure felt like the wind was guiding my hook, what fun it is to work on a project.

I have been jotting down the daily temperatures, both the high and low.  I was so excited to see a new color change.  This last week we dropped down to the Negatives...Negative 1 and 2...brrr... The color assigned for this range is LavenderBlue.  Can I just say, I absolutely LoVe this color!  So pretty and delicate.  It does remind me of the cold too, blue for sun but then you get a hue of the purple..  How many nights will be in the negatives?  How exciting to celebreate each day with a hexagon.

Here is the Temperature Color Chat and Kit info, it's never too late to start.  You can start anytime, perhaps on January first?

Shall we have a looksie?  oh Hexagon's...aren't they lovely?  Can you see how the weather has changed in just two months time? Do you see the ONE Pumpkin Hexi?  That was for a particularly warm day. :-)  

Looking at the afghan sideways...oh what yummy colors!  We are 62 days in, I am officially caught up!  And I added today's hexi's after I took photo's as I wanted to show two months of work exactly.

 I believe that in everything we do a lesson can be learned.  Here is what I have learned so far:

*  Do not procrastinate
*  Patience-this is a progressive project
*  Colorado weather is intense and Colorful too!
*  I look forward to each day's temperature, isn't it funny how we can get so caught up in life that we forget the small things?
*  Caron Yarn is really delicious to work with.
*  Having friends participate in this Crochet A Long makes this project more fun!

What brings you joy?  I hope that you take time each day to do something awesome that you love.  Until next time, hugs and warmest of wishes!

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

New Holiday Products

Greeting my friends!

Hope that you are all doing well.  The holidays are just right around the corner!  Can you all believe that Thanksgiving is this week?  Like in 2 days???  EEEKKKK!  I am about as ready as I will be but boy was I cutting it close.

I am so excited to share my lastest creations with all of you. really is so much fun and addictive too!

These Chocholicious Cowboy Boot soaps were made for walking...walking right into your bathroom that is.  *grin*  Every gal has a pair boots that they just love, I am no exception.  I have  a favorite pair that I would wear with everything if I could...if I am being completely honest I LoVe Shoes!  Shoes shoes shoes many of you can relate?

And of course we have them in PINK!  Now what fragrance to add? Cherry anyone?  How about Cherry Mist?  This fragrance will knock your socks off!  It is a true mouth watering black cherry.  Isn't it neat how fragrances can inspire us?  

 I received this mold a few years ago and wouldn't you know..I had completely forgotten about it?  As I was pulling all of the holiday molds out of the box, I stumbled up this one..I just knew that I had to squeeze them in too.
 As I was pouring soaps, I had an idea to make Reindeer Nose Soaps.  I had to add a few Rudolph noses in each pack, do you remember watching the old holiday movies?  Rudolph is my personal favorite.

 Then it was on to the Peppermint Bark.  Traditionally the bark has a thinner layer of minty goodness but I felt like the candy canes needed to have a fulller bed to sit on.  Imagine a layer of chocolate mint followed by the sweet peppermint candy toppled with more mint? Now what's not to like?

After all of the soaping was done, I moved on to Spa Kits.  My Pamper My Tootsies Spa Kits are fantastic!  Tired achy feet?  No problem, my newest Spa Kit will have you feeling better quickly.  Sprinkle Bubbling Eucalyptus Foot Soak in hot water, sit back and relax.  After the water has cooled, re-fill foot tub then add a quarter size amount of the Cool Menthol Foot Scrub to puff, rub across feet, in between toes and across the top of the foot.  Rinse with warm water...Tada!  Your feet should feel nice and pampered.  No need to follow up with lotion as the oils will nourish dry flaky feet.  

As always all of my products can be found here.  Until next time,hugs and warmest of wishes!

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Creating Making and Keeping Up

Top of the afternoon to you all!  How's it going in your neck of the woods?  Getting ready for the winter months?  Holidays?  I am doing both!

I have been super duper busy in the Craft Studio whipping up product.  It has been so much fun!  I made a list and am working like a bee mixing, pouring, that a word?  Hmm....I think it is not but in "LeeAnn Land" it sure is.  *grin*

The first product that I worked on last weekend was Frosted Cranberry European Spa Bath Salts. Some of you may be asking what makes my bath salts to special?  

I have tried a few bath salts in my time, none of them have compared to mine.  I use a special blend of European Spa Salts- Solar evaporated and harvested from the pristine waters of the Mediterranean Sea. Produced using solar evaporation in a region that is free of pollution and has high evaporation rates. Thought to be the purest salts in the world. All Natural.

Another helping of Bath Water Crystals-This high mineral sea salt increases the quality of my bath salt recipe. Natural sea water and an advanced filtration system makes these salts uniform, white and clean.

A dash of Baking Soda- (Sodium bicarbonate)-Baking soda has mild exfoliant properties due to the round shape of the particles, and when mixed with water and scrubbed gently into the skin with a sponge it can remove dead skin cells.

A hefty sprinkle of Epsom Salt-Epsom salt has beneficial properties that can soothe the body, mind and soul. Some of the countless health benefits include relaxing the nervous system, curing skin problems, soothing back pain and aching limbs, easing muscle strain, healing cuts, treating cold and congestion, and drawing toxins from the body.

Last but certainly not least, I add a nice splash of fragrance/essential Oils and mica colorant for that extra colorful touch!

After a few days of mixing and air drying, they are ready for packaging. 

While the salts were setting up, it was on to Bubble Bath and Lotion..yes!  I have two upright mixers, I normally do not have them both on at the same time, but on this particular day I was busy as a bee.  

Then it was on to the Holiday inspired Frosted Cranberry Goats Milk Soap.  Layer upon layer was hand mixed and poured.  I love love love the end results!  Pretty yet totally functional and oh so delicious smelling.  

The Goats Milk & Honey Lotion and Bubble Bath Gift Sets are ready!  They will be arriving online in the very near future, what a delightful gift set to give and receive. 

Back by popular demand are my Sinus Bath Fizzies, Oh my gosh!  Folks just love love love them!  I do too!  They clear out the sinuses while providing a relaxing bath.  Isn't soaking in the bathtub so decadent?  I find it so relaxing and soothing.  Whenever I feel really tired and achy that is the first thing that I do, fill up the tub with the hottest water that I can stand, add one of my bath fizzies and viola!  The world just feels like a better place.  *grin*.  Until next time...hugs!

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Happy Anniversary to Me!

Hello there!

So many exciting things are happening here in my little world!  I am gearing up and getting ready to celebrate my 3rd Anniversary!  Store Anniversary that is.  How exciting is that?  It has been 3 years of hard work, dedication and fun!  Lots of laughter and some days silliness, I feel like I can be my authentic self and boy is it liberating!  I would like to invite you personally to our celebration.  Joyce the owner of Wild Roses will be celebrating her 13th Anniversary as well,  together we make quite a team!   Thank you Joyce for all of your help and insipiration the last 3 years, here's to many more!
Stop in for some awesome deals and snacks!  I am sure that you will find something unique and fun!

What else have I been up to you ask?  I have been SOAPING!  When I say soaping I mean....lots and lots of custom soaps have been making their way out of the studio each week.  Right now the most popular soaps are these Mini Elephant Soapies.  Each one is fragranced with my Baby Powder fragrance oil, then shrink wrapped, nestled among a bed of paper shreds then tied with matching ribbon and the cutest labels!

 Oh my gosh!  Cuteness overload

 Last night I pulled out the Christmas Molds, I poured 4 sets of these darlings!  The studio was buzzing with  Frosted Cranberries, Gingerbread Cookies, Peppermint Stick and Santa's Tree Farm.
This morning before I rushed out the door, I whipped up a few batches of the Frosted Cranberry Goats Milk & Honey Lotions..they will be part of the NEW Gift Sets.  Stay tuned as we always have something in the works!
 On the crochet/knitting front.  The Temperature Afghan Crochet A Long is underway!  Oh what fun I am having!  Some how, some way I have managed to keep up.  I am crocheting a hexagon for both the high and low temps each day. My friend "T" has been posting the daily temps here in Alamosa on Facebook Group Page, it makes it so easy to stay on track.  Thank you T!

Back to knitting, I have a pair of socks that are begging to be finished!  Talk soon!

Friday, October 7, 2016

Random Actsof Kindness

Top of the morning to you all!

Today has been such a mix of emotions that I feel like my words are just tumbling around in my head and heart.

This morning I woke up late...just not feeling very energetic.  Being a small business owner is tough.  I try to always focus on the positive but some days I feel overwhelmed and just plain exhausted.  It is wonderful being my own boss, working for myself and creating and doing all of the things that make me happy.  With that being said and if I am being honest, it requires STAMINA!  Not just let me go into the shop today and see what I can do.  It takes planning and more planning,then putting forth the effort, completing projects while always paying attention to detail.  Some days it feels like a juggling act between being a mom, wife and business owner.

With my Third anniversary coming up, I can't help but feel nostalgic.  Wow!  I feel like I am in the right place at the right time but goodness, three years?  ?  Joyce and I have been planning our Anniversary Shop Party.  Stay tuned for upcoming details!

Now back to this morning.  I poured a cup of coffee and stumbled into my Craft Studio with the intention of tidying up a bit and perhaps printing a few labels before heading into the shop.  I literally walked right into a box on the floor.  I immediately thought, I do not have a supply/shop order placed what could this be?

I saw that the package was from TampaDoll in who could be sending me something from Florida?

Oh my gosh!  I opened up the package to see a beautiful hand made crochet tote!  WOW! Not just any tote, but  A Halloween inspired tote bag!  Don't the colors just scream Halloween? is stunning!

 Along with the wonderful tote is a witch pin-she has a lighted nose, now how cute is that?

And then I saw the pumpkin dishcloth, by now the tears started pouring out.  How did my friends on the Crochet Ville know that I needed a pick me up?

If that were not complete sweetness!  The Scrubby Bat is beyond adorable and soo soft and cuddly!

Thank you so very much MaryJo for your wonderful gift!  I find it difficult to express how grateful I feel, but please know that I am so appreciative and feel as if I have won the lottery!  Thank you for making my day, my week but mostly for making me feel so special.

Until next time, may your days be filled with kindness and happiness.

Thursday, October 6, 2016

Breathtaking Mini Vacation

Hello hello!

I hope that you are all doing well and taking in the last of the warm weather.  Here in Colorful Colorado, the tree's have changed colors, daylight is shorter and the nights are colder.  We are getting ready for a snow filled winter.

However, I did manage to squeeze in a fun filled Mini Vacation.  My wonderful husband planned a nice outing.  We drove to Colorado Springs one Friday evening, woke up early Saturday morning, after a quick breakfast we were ready to go!  We decided to see what the Seven Falls were all about.

As we stepped off the shuttle van, our eyes feasted on this sweet road to paradise.  Oh my gosh!  The tree's were so beautiful.  Most of them still had leaves, the vibrant orange, red and green were a sight for sore eyes.  The roadway is not intended for folks to drive on, I believe that it is used for the shuttle vehicles and to transport materials/tools and such to the falls.

I felt like Dorothy from the Wizard of Ozz..down the road we went!  We stopped every so often to smell the fresh air and snap a few photos.

We walked down the trail to feel the water, cold but not frigid..yet!  I imagine that the Falls will be beautiful frozen.  

We would have known that we would have seen the Pillars of Hercules?  The pillars are made of pink Granite!  PINK!  Can you imagine?  

As we rounded the bend we finally reached the Falls.  Oh my gosh! THE staircase!  Well hello Sir!  Nice to meet you!

We cheated..yes we sure did!  We rode the neatest elevator that is inside the mountain up to the top...let's keep this little fact to ourselves shall we?  

Looking down really gives you an idea of how high up we were.  The restaurant looks so tiny. 

To the left was the most amazing Waterfall!  If you look closely you can see the stairway..yes folks!  We did walk all the way around the restaurant and up those teeny tiny stairs to get a better look.

The bottom of the Waterfall was superb!  Look at all of the bends, now who would have thought that water would run straight down?

 We took a few sips of water, stretched our legs and started climbing...UP UP UP...I didn't look back...I was totally freaked out..I kept putting one foot in front of the other until I took the last step to the first landing..only then did I glance back to see that John was about 20 steps behind.  I tell ya,..fear can motivate!

 It felt surreal, the water was falling into one spot then down another..around a bend and down again.

The sound as the water hit the rocks is so soothing and powerful at the same time.  

Once we reached the top, we took a small break to breathe in the fresh air and relax.  We MADE IT!  I was feeling pretty good, And was time to climb back down..oh my gosh!  The view going down was a bit on the terrifying side..I am so grateful for the rails, I think I was hanging on super tight as my arms were sore the next how strange is that?  

All in All it was a wonderful way to spend the day!  Back to soaping...

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Etsy Adventure

Good evening!

As summer winds down into fall, I have some very exciting news to share with you.  I have partnered with our local Small Business Development Center and Etsy, together we are launching the very first Craft Entrepreneurship Program here in the San Luis Valley. It is an innovative program that will teach you the skills and knowledge to start an online Etsy Business. I am over the moon excited to be part of this ground breaking adventure!  

Here is the direct link should you wish to sign up:

Off to shrink wrap NEW Never Before seen soaps!

Thursday, September 1, 2016

Temperature Afghan Planning

Hi there!

How ya doing?  Bet you are enjoying what feels like the last days of summer?  Here in my  neck of the woods, the nights are cooling off.  As Fall/Autumn sets in, I am feeling excited!  

I feel like I always have so many fun things to do.  I love planning and doing!  I think that I have missed my calling, I should have been an Event Planner..I guess I am to a certain degree.  Something is always in the works.  

The next BIG event that I and a good friend are planning/hosting is the Temperature Afghan Crochet A Long.  The Crochet A Long will officially start on October 1, 2016 and run thru September 30, 2017.  Yes!  It is a full year long commitment.  

This Crochet A Long is so versatile!  If a person can not commit to an entire year,  folks can use the temperature chart and kit to create Monthly Scarves, Hats, Mittens, Shawls, the possibilities are endless!!!

Here's a little bit of info on how it all works.  

We have configured a temperature yarn gauge to include 14 colors.  Each color is assigned to a 10 degree temperature range.   

A person commits to crocheting 1-3 rows/rounds using the temperature yarn gauge as their color choice each day.  Either "T" or I will post the 10 a.m. Temperature here in Alamosa CO on our Facebook Group Page “Crafting With LeeAnn”.

If folks think they are not going to have time to crochet for the day, no problem. The kit will include a full calendar.  You can easily write down the daily temperature or refer back to our Facebook Group Page and then crochet at a later date. 

The trick is to not cheat the system by falsifying a temperature because you think the color shouldn’t go where it is.  We want to capture the temperature as it happens making the afghan or project a true representation or the year.

The kit will come with 5 printed patterns, one of them being my very own Crochet Hexagon!  woohooo!  I have designed a simple hexi that you can attach as you go.  I love that, or you can sew/crochet them together at the end of each week.  Here's a sneak peak of my newly designed Hexagons.  

Would you like to join us?  We would love to have you!  Our temperature chart ranges from -35°F to 110°F.  You can email me at to pre-order your kit.  I can ship to anywhere within the U.S.A.  

Wednesday, August 24, 2016


Good afternoon Folks!

Last week I had mentioned the Freezer Meals, well I am back! The planning, preparing and freezing feels like it has taken over my life!  It has been so much work that I can honestly say that I am burnt out!  I did however convince the hubby to buy a new I must push thru the exhaustion and keep cooking/freezing.  My goal is to have 30 breakfast, 30 lunches and 30 dinner meals.  So far, I have met my breakfast goal, have about 8 dinners but still need so much more.  Truthfully it feels a bit daunting, but one day at a time...

I have been asked by many why? It all started this summer, while both of our kiddos were out of the house..I took a hiatus from cooking.  We ate cereal, soup and sandwiches for most of the summer. It was fabulous!  Fast forward, both of our kiddos are back home, we are all running in different directions.  Cereal and soup just doesn't cut it with 2 teenagers.

It is important to me as a mom to spend one meal a day with my family.  Dinner is a time for us to come together and discuss our day, plan for the upcoming days but most importantly it is when I as a mom get to take in everything that my lovies are doing.  I love listening to them chat.  I would rather listen to them than spend an hour cooking.  I remembered that I used to prepare freezer meals years ago and decided to get back to it.  I can feel good knowing that I am able to prepare meals that are home cooked with as much care as possible while still spending much needed time with them.  Soon they will both be out of the house and it will be back to soup and sandwiches.

These breakfast bowls were really fairly easy to make.  Here is the direct link for the recipe.

I used 15 large eggs, 5 pounds of potato's and 1 pound of sausage along with a cup of shredded Cheese to create 12 bowls.

The family helped to make the waffles.  Here is the recipe that we used:
I did double the recipe, we made a few more..but you know we had to sample..just had to make sure that our daughter (the Waffle Princess) approved.  *wink* 

 Are you tired yet?  Me too!

Thursday evening, I boiled an entire bag of boneless, skinless chicken.  With it, I was able to make 2 Enchilada Casseroles.

Here is the delicious recipe that I used:

I saved half of the shredded chicken to whip up this delicious concoction....can I just say..FABULOUS!  Let me properly introduce you to Baked Chicken Pesto Alfredo.

I used Two Boxes of Penne Pasta, about a pound of chicken, a bushel of fresh spinach and my own Italian Bread Crumbs and Pesto Sauce..yuppers..I went all out!  Being that we live 12 miles from a grocery store, a gal has to be able to think fast!

Here is my Italian Bread Crumb Recipe:
1/2 tsp. Salt
1/2 tsp. Parsley
1/2 tsp. Black Pepper
1/2 tsp Garlic Powder
1/2 tsp Onion Powder
1/4 tsp Oregano
1/4 tsp Basil

Toast 2 slices of Texas Toast-( had some on hand since I was also making French Toast to freeze), add all of the spices and toast to a chopper and give it a good spin,  VIOLA!  Instant Italian bread crumbs that you can feel good about.  Since I was doubling the recipe, I doubled this recipe too.

If you would like to purchase a mini chopper, here is a direct link.
 Mini Chopper

Here is the direct link to the Chicken Recipe:

Back to searching for new recipes, shopping and preparing.  

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

NEW Soaps & Gift Sets

Good morning and Happy Wednesday!  How have you all been?  I am running at full SPEED!  Not only am I whipping up NEW products but I am also working in the kitchen....yes the KitChen.. cooking that is.  I had this idea to create Freezer Meals and have started the process...lots of cooking is going on but I think it will be worth it in the end, especially during the first few weeks of school.  It is always an adjustment.    
Freezer Meals put on the back burner..check check! On to the NEW product!  I had an idea to whip up soap using the loaf method.  As I was going thru the cupboards in my Craft Studio, I stumbled upon a bag of dried herbs..hmm..I knew that I was onto something.  The first loaf that I made was Fresh Mint Herbal Buttermilk..have you ever smelled Fresh Mint?  I tell ya, it is delightful!  I poured the soap in layers, the first layer has glycerin soap, dried Chamomile, Lavender, Spearmint, Rosemary and Juniper.  As soon as it set, I poured the buttermilk soap along with a sprinkling of more of the dried herbs.   I continued on until I reached the top of the loaf.  As the soap was setting, (it takes a couple of days) I went to work on whipping up lotion, sugar scrub, European Spa Bath Salts and bubble bath.  Viola!  A new Gift Set!

The soap fresh out of the mold and hand cut, doesn't it look scrumptious?

The NEW Gift Set all packaged up and ready to go home with someone.
Since I made a few of each product, I thought a Spa Bath Set would be perfect.  European Bath Salts and the Champagne Bubble Bath..what's not to love?
I was on a Roll!  I also whipped up a separate batch with my Rosemary Mint and Goats Milk Soap..ooh laaa laaaa!

The New Gift Sets have not made their way online but I am happy to say that they are here in the shop, the Rosemary Goats Milk Soap has almost sold out!  We have one bar left and one Gift Set.

I have another NEW Loaf that is setting up as we speak, can't wait to share it with you all!  Catch ya all later!

Thursday, July 28, 2016

Soap Soap and MORE SOAP!

Good afternoon!

As the summer months are winding down I can't help  but feel a little excited as the New School Year is coming up!  It is the beginning of new grades, activities and friends.  It sure is an exciting time for teachers/school officials and students as they gear up for another jam packed school year.

Here on the Soapy front, I have been getting ready too..but not to go back to teaching instead I am getting ready for the upcoming holidays.  I am in full "List Making" mode, checking my supplies and thinking of new Gift Sets.  I can't wait to start creating, it is all so much fun!

I have also been working on NEW Soaps.
The Newest Ride On Motorcycle Soaps are rockin cool!  Fragranced with our Ed Hardy For Men these soap are sure to please.

The Sweet Baseball Soaps were beyond fun to create!  I posted my very first video on FaceBook asking my wonderful friends to help with the scent.  They were so wonderful, they came up with all sorts of neat ideas, Dirt, Popcorn, Hot Dog, Citrus were a few.  I took all of their advice and whipped some up in Cotton Candy, Popcorn and Energy-a citrus blend.  I also followed up with another video sharing the results, what fun!  I will definitely create more videos, what a fabulous way to share with others.  

I have also whipped up these super neat Gardening Gift Sets. Folks just love them!  They include All Natural Bug Spray, Waterless Hand Cleaner, Cuticle Cream and Shea Butter Soap.  Each set has it's own fragrance-Lemongrass Verbena, Wild Berry Tulips, Lavender and Citrus & Sage and they all come nestled in a Terra Cotta pot, how perfect is that?   

 One of my good friends requested train soaps for her grandsons 2nd birthday.  I was more than happy to create them for her, she chose Grape Soda for the fragrance..they smelled good enough to eat!

Here's a sneak peak at one of the newest Pamper My Hands Gift Sets.  It includes a delicious Vanilla Bean Hand Polish, Goats Milk & Honey Lotion and Cuticle Cream.

 Stay tuned for more unique soaps and Gift Sets.  Until next time...